1Which office is implementing Ranking of States/ UTs for land acquisition projects under RFCTLARR ActDepartment of Land Resources (DoLR), Ministry of Rural Development
2Under which statute (central Act), the details of Land Acquisition Projects for Ranking of States/ UTs, is being done?The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (RFCTLARR Act 2013)
3Land acquisition projects, starting from which date, are eligible for computing Ranking of States/UTs?DoLR has been entrusted with responsibility of ranking of States /UTs on Land Acquisition for projects under the RFCTLARR Act 2013 from 1st January 2014 onwards
4What is criterion for assigning marks for Ranking of States/ UTs for land acquisition projects? Click here
5Ranking is determined by total marks attained for all projects in a State/UT or average marks attained per project?Ranking will be automatically determined by software, based on Average marks per projects
6What is the URL of the Land Acquisition Compensation Rehabilitation Resettlement Information System? https://larr.dolr.gov.in/
7What is the registration process of users in the MIS?By clicking the 'Registration' link, available in top-right corner of Home page of https://larr.dolr.gov.in/ portal, the concerned official may fill and submit online forms for getting a user-account. This step will generate User-Id / Password and a Reference number. The details with so generated User-Ids and Reference numbers may then be forwarded by State-level user (nodal officer) for activating.
8What data is to be entered reported? Click here
9What is to be mandatorily mentioned to identify a User’s account?To identify a user-account, User-ID should be mentioned in all communication.
10Whom we have to contact for clarification on issues related to registration process?At the portal, a ‘Contact Us’ page is provided and it lists email address and phone numbers of all concerned officials.
11The projects will be entered at State level or District Level?Projects are supposed to be entered / reported by District-level accounts; though data-reporting from State-level account may also be provided on demand.
12Is it necessary that all the projects are to be entered by a single user? No. It is better that all projects of a district are reported by single District-level user-account; but different projects may be divided and assigned to different user-accounts of same district for the purpose of reporting
13How edit/ correct/ update entries of a project?Reported data is, presently, allowed to be updated or corrected as desired by the reporting officer.
14Whom/ how to request addition of a Project Category or Sub-category?If a new or additional Category or Sub-category of project is desired, same may be requested by email.
15Can multiple user in a district use to enter the data of project in MIS?Yes, But there are chances of repletion of the project in MIS.
16Are mega projects like MGNEREGA included in the Ranking?If Land Acquition is done under RFCTLAAR Act 2013 for the MGNEREGA, it will be included in Ranking.
17Is there any option to delete or edit project ?At present there is no option to delete or edit the project. However to rectify the error request has to made to NIC for further help.
18Is there the ranking of States/UT are transparent?Yes, It is completely transparent and full proof. It is generated automatically through the MIS. No Manual calculation/interface of the Department is involved.
19Is there any discrimination on the basis of the cost of the projects?Cost of the project has no weightage in the present ranking system.
20If project SIA exempted, How marks are assigned to the project?In case project is SIA exempted the marks assigned for SIA are proportionally allocated /added to the marks allocated for filling completion of the pro